Understanding the DDM Network Diagnostic Results

The Network Diagnostic Results panel can be accessed from either the DDM Administration Menu or from the DDM Web Browser on the Settings/Network & Security page and displays the following information:

Basic Configuration

  • IP address: The IP address of the DDM server
  • Subnet mask: The subnet mask for the DDM server
  • Address acquired by: The method by which the DDM server acquired its IP address
  • Search path(s): All search paths configured for the DDM server


Test Results

The DDM can reach the default gateway

The default gateway is typically configured as part of static IP address settings (in the administration menu) or provided by DHCP.

  • Success: The DDM was able to ping the default gateway
  • Fail: A default gateway is configured, but the DDM was unable to ping it
  • Not configured: No default gateway is configured
    • This is the expected result for Link-local networks.

The DDM can reach the DNS server

  • Success: The DDM was able to ping the DNS server
  • Fail: A DNS server is configured, but the DDM was unable to ping it*
    • Note: If the server does not allow Ping/ICMP Echo requests this will report Fail. (By default Windows Server’s Firewall restricts incoming pings.) If this is the case, this field can report Fail and there still be a successful connection to the DNS server. To test if the DNS server is working as expected try accessing the DDM Server via its FQDN set by Host record in the DNS server and if set up, “DDM discovery records exist in the DNS server” reports Success.
  • Not configured: No DNS server is configured
    • This is the expected result for Link-local networks or other networks where DNS is not configured and no internet access is provided.

DDM Discovery records exist in the DNS server

  • Success:The DDM was able to successfully resolve DNS records for both devices and controllers to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
  • Fail:A DNS server is configured, but the DDM was unable to resolve either device or controller records to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
    • This is the expected result for networks where DNS is not configured for Device/Controller discovery or if your devices are in a different DNS domain/search path than the DDM server.
  • Partial:
    • ‘A record exists for discovery by devices’
      • Pass: The DDM was able to resolve the device DNS record
      • Fail: The DDM was unable to resolve the device DNS record
    • ‘A record exists for discovery by controllers’
      • Pass: The DDM was able to resolve the controller DNS record
      • Fail: The DDM was unable to resolve the controller DNS record
    • ‘The discovery record for devices resolves to the DDM’
      • Pass: The device DNS record resolves to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
      • Fail: The device DNS record does not resolve to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
    • ‘The discovery record for controllers resolves to the DDM’
      • Pass: The controller DNS record resolves to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
      • Fail: The controller DNS record does not resolve to the correct IP address and port for this DDM
  • Cannot test
    • No DNS server is configured
    • This is the expected result for Link-local networks or other networks where DNS is not configured and no internet access is provided.

The DDM can access the internet

  • Success: The DDM was able to ping google.com & baidu.com
    • baidu.com is used in addition to google.com as some countries restrict access to google.com.
  • Fail: A DNS server is configured, but the DDM was unable to ping google.com & baidu.com
    • The DDM server does not require access to these sites for successful operation.
  • Cannot test: No DNS server is configured
    • This is the expected result for Link-local networks or other networks where DNS is not configured and no internet access is provided.

The DDM can reach Audinate services

  • Success: The DDM was able to reach the Audinate license server, certificates server, and updates server.
  • Fail: The DDM was unable to reach the Audinate license server, certificates server, and updates server
    • Access to these servers is only required in order to active the DDM server’s license, deactivate the license, refresh a license after support and maintenance has expired, and check/perform online software updates

Audinate’s license server, certificates server and updates server can be reached at the following on port 443:

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