I can’t access Dante Director using Dante Controller. ( “policy error: Check username and password”)

Issues with Dante Controller connecting to Dante Director can be caused by security software like NetSkope or similar.

You should be able to connect to Dante Controller directly from the Dante Director interface. To do this, to log into Dante Director, choose a Site, and then click ‘Open Dante Controller’ at the top right.

Dante Controller uses port 8443 when authenticating and port 7999 afterward – please check that your firewall allows these ports.

You can use the Windows command prompt to test this.

curl -k –location “https://device.director.dante.cloud:8443/dapi/v2/endpoints”

If this is successful, it should return something like:


If you can execute the CURL command successfully, it tells us that port 8443 (Director API for Dante Controller authentication) is accessible.

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