How does Dante use DSCP / Diffserv priority values when configuring QoS?

Switches prioritize packets using what are called DSCP (Diffserv Code Point) values. Although Dante packet priority values have been chosen to make it simple to configure QoS with many switches, some switches require special configuration to recognize and prioritize specific DSCP values.DSCP for Dante HardwareThe table below shows how Dante hardware devices apply DSCP packet priority values:

Priority Usage DSCP Label Hex Decimal Binary
High Time critical PTP events CS7 0x38 56 111000
Medium Audio, PTP EF 0x2E 46 101110
Low (reserved) CS1 0x08 8 001000
None Other traffic BestEffort 0x00 0 000000

 DSCP for Dante SoftwareDante software does not apply DSCP to audio, control or PTP packets. This is because computers sometimes transmit packets in bursts, and a burst of packets tagged as high priority could block out other network traffic, causing issues for other applications.

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