Dante Via: What does ‘Default Device’ mean?
The Default Device in your destinations is the local hardware device to which Dante Via will send all newly-discovered application sources (i.e. software applications that can produce audio).For example, if your Default Output Device is set as your computer speakers, when Dante Via detects a new software source, such as iTunes, it will automatically send iTunes audio to the computer speakers. It will also send your system sounds to that device, assuming no other sources have been specifically sent to that device.Your ‘default mix’ – a mix created automatically by Dante Via containing all software applications (except for ASIO applications in Windows) – is also sent to the default output device, unless something else has been specifically sent there. When the default mix is playing to the default output device, you can mute individual sources (hover over the source and click the speaker icon).You can change the default output device in the General Preferences.In Windows, you can also specify a default input device. The Default Input Device is the local hardware device which Dante Via will assign to all newly-discovered application destinations (i.e. software applications that can receive audio). For example, if your Default Input Device is set as your USB headset microphone, when Dante Via detects a new software destination, such as Skype, it will automatically send audio from the headset microphone to Skype.