

Tannoy – QFlex 64

QFlex 64 is the flagship and largest model available within the QFlex range, comprising of 6 individual connected modules to form a 5.5 metre high array of 32 x 4” LF, 16 x 3” LF, 16 x 1” HF, each with its own discrete channel of amplification and integrated DSP (64 in total). 

QFlex 64 is the flagship and largest model available within the QFlex range, comprising of 6 individual connected modules to form a 5.5 metre high array of 32 x 4” LF, 16 x 3” LF, 16 x 1” HF, each with its own discrete channel of amplification and integrated DSP (64 in total). This new model offers greater low frequency beam control (down to 110 Hz), increased effective range and throw (up to 100 metres), and greatly improved headroom and SPL.

Typical applications for the QFlex 64 are large public concourses, major transport hubs (such as long railway station platforms) and other long-throw situations, where great intelligibility and LF control over distances are of paramount concern.

QFlex is a range of digitally steerable, multi-channel, array speaker systems for the professional install market. QFlex is designed as a complete solution for applications with difficult acoustics, such as houses of worship, transportation hubs, convention centres, conference facilities, shopping malls, performing arts centres and museums.

QFlex is quite revolutionary in that it is able to achieve even coverage and SPL which is maintained across the listening plane. QFlex is able to create an asymmetrical pattern which allows similar SPL’s both in the near and far field. It is able to steer the beam away from surfaces that cause reflections to frequencies beyond 12 kHz, making it the first digitally steerable array to maintain music quality over the desired area of coverage, all in a very architecturally pleasing package.

The intuitive BeamEngine GUI allows the designer to specify target areas. Based on those target areas a steering algorithm is generated and tailored for that specific area, rather than having to choose from a limited palette of opening and steering angles.

New features introduced on QFlex deliver more resolute safety and monitoring facilities, making it fully compliant in any life safety or mass notification environment. In addition QFlex has been weatherised for outdoor or harsh environments without compromising on the product’s sleek aesthetic, making it perfectly suited for large scale transport hub applications such as within airport terminals and major train stations. Among the key improvements on this front are the addition of Pilot Tone Detection capability, Sentinel SM1 System Monitor and certification to IP53 standards.

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