
I/O Interfaces

SSL – Network I/O GPIO 32

The Network I/O GPIO 32 is a bulk GPIO for System T devices across your network.

The Network I/O GPIO 32 is a bulk GPIO for System T devices across your network.

GPIO 32 provides bulk GPIO connections for interfacing with System T consoles and transporting GPIO across System T networks. It facilitates a variety of possibilities and applications for System T consoles, such as custom user key panels or complex Audio Follow Video setups. 32 GPIs and 32 GPOs are available from the 2U unit. GPIO 32 maintains the solid design and redundancy features found on the rest of the Network I/O range: redundant PSUs and redundant Dante network connections come as standard. When coupled with System T’s powerful Event Manager, GPIO 32 has endless possibilities for custom console functions and external triggers. GPIO 32 can be controlled from all variants of System T control surface (S500, S300, TCR, remote T-SOLSA) running V2.0 (or later) software.

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