
I/O Interfaces

Ghielmetti – GDP 1132 Dante Plus

The GDP 1132 Dante offers you efficiently the possibility to connect the “Analog world” with the Dante Network. With the new GDP 1132 Dante, you can now patch your Dante signals, add effortless 16 analogs inputs to your Dante network or extract 16 Dante channels as analog outputs, just by simple patching.

The GDP 1132 Dante is not only a patching solution as it enable you also to mix all signals. These newly mixed signals are then available to be fed into your Dante Network.

Through its front display and navigation knobs, there is no need for a Dante Controller. Furthermore, monitoring, mixing and configuration can be made either from the front display or via a remote web browser.
The GDP 1132 Dante is a 19”, 1 RU device, its assembly depth is 220 mm, which make it very interesting for integration in tight spaces, such as OB-Vans

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