Engineered and made in Germany, the DMM14 U digital automatic microphone mixer is ideal for large meetings and conferences.
Engineered and made in Germany, the DMM14 U digital automatic microphone mixer is ideal for large meetings and conferences. Its DSP function ensures precise mixing of up to 140 channels by cascading up to 10 DMM14 U mixers. Two additional stereo audio outputs and one stereo USB offer additional routing options. Due to high signal-to-noise ratio, the DMM14 U also keeps noise from multiple open microphones to a minimum. Numerous DSP functions such as filters, compressor/limiter, ducking and routing make the DMM14 U a great fit in a variety of spoken word applications. The DMM14 U (UL, ULD) is made in Germany.
Additionally, the UL version offers a LAN interface via Ethernet to enable the control over large distances using, for instance, an AMX control system.
In the ULD version, incorporating a highly sophisticated DANTE chip, all ins are available as direct outs, making it an outstanding tool for broadcast applications, while all outs are also available on the DANTE stream. In total the DMM14 ULD provides 22 free assignable DANTE outs. Additionally, 4 DANTE streams can be used as inputs.
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