
Software,Third Party Applications

Glensound – Glencontroller

GlenController automatically finds all compatible devices that it can control on your network and shows them in a list on the left hand side of the screen. Just select the device(s) that you would like to control and a detailed device screen will be provided. It is possible to password protect devices to prevent unauthorised access and adjusting of a device’s parameters.

All compatible devices can connect to multiple GlenControllers simultaneously, meaning that several operators in your workflow can access a device and see its levels, gains etc at the same time.

GlenController has built in redundancy. It connects to the devices that it is controlling by both the primary and secondary network interfaces (if available) and, like Dante network audio, it provides seemless backup if one of the two networks should fail.

Many of the device types support remote firmware upgrade from GlenController without the need to use USB. This is very handy if there are many devices on the network, as all of them can be updated simultaneously.

None of the devices that GlenController connects to requires GlenController to be running for them to operate. This means that if the PC that is running GlenController has an issue mid-broadcast then your broadcast audio will not be affected.

GlenController is a secure “sandboxed” UWP-type app, meaning it has restricted access to the host computer. It is digitally signed with a publicly trusted certificate obtained from Sectigo (former Comodo) authority.

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