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Dante Director

Cloud-based secure Dante network management

Dante Director

Dante Director es una aplicación SaaS basada en la nube que permite organizar y gestionar dispositivos Dante a partir de grupos lógicos, gestionar el acceso de los usuarios, proteger sus dispositivos y gestionar de forma remota una o varias redes Dante.

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Controlar de forma remota su red Dante

Supervise y controle proactivamente una o más redes Dante utilizando Dante Director. Es fácil comprobar el estado de los dispositivos Dante y acceder de forma remota a las suscripciones de los dispositivos y actualizarlas mediante Dante Director y Dante Controller.

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Empiece rápidamente y crezca sobre la marcha

Diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades de las redes Dante pequeñas y medianas, Dante Director es fácil de poner en marcha rápidamente, sin necesidad de una compleja configuración del servidor o gestión del hipervisor. Con un precio modesto, es fácil empezar con algo pequeño y ampliarlo a medida que la red crece en dispositivos y ubicaciones.

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Subscription details
Initial subscription includes 20 device connections (nodes) $20 USD per month - FREE during trial
Additional nodes $1 per device per month - FREE during trial
User account and role restrictions
Detailed event logging
Remote network access
Remote Dante Controller usage
Device routing across subnet barriers
Dante Managed API access
Sign up for a FREE trial

Introducción a Dante Director

Dante Director está diseñado para que los usuarios con redes de cualquier tamaño puedan empezar a trabajar rápidamente.

Para obtener una comprensión completa del proceso de adición de dispositivos Dante y su gestión con Director, tómese unos minutos para ver este vídeo que trata los fundamentos para empezar.


Security and the Internet

Using modern IT and AV management tools like Dante Director requires giving your Dante devices access to the Internet. When done properly, your network can be even more secure than air-gapped networks. Learn steps to safely enable access to the internet in this white paper.

Read the Whitepaper

Use Case

Business AV Systems

Managing and maintaining AV systems in business, government and collaboration spaces can be challenging, and even more so if those locations are dispersed across wide distances. Dante Director is a perfect addition for Managed Service Providers and AV managers to remotely manage and troubleshoot one or more Dante networks from anywhere.

Dante-enabled products in this example

Use Case

Performance Space

Managing a busy performance space requires frequent reconfigurations of the AV network to support varying events. Dante Director enables AV managers the flexibility to grant user access to trusted individuals, and remotely diagnose issues at as they arise.

Dante-enabled products in this example

Use Case

House of Worship

Dante Director gives AV managers in houses of worship better management and control over their Dante network. Manage volunteer access, monitor device connectivity, clocking and troubleshoot issues from anywhere. Dante Director is a perfect upgrade for any house of worship.

Dante-enabled products in this example
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